Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2024, Innovation Challenger: Building New Venture Visions
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Date: 24 – 25 October 2024 (Thursday – Friday)
Venus: Cyberport
The startup landscape is undergoing a seismic shift amidst the prevailing global turbulence. Amidst the lingering global market uncertainties, economic volatility, and geopolitical challenges, entrepreneurs must now navigate a more complex and competitive environment, with a bold and compelling vision that can captivate investors, forge corporate partnerships, unlock valuable market collaborations to scale and drive sustainable growth.
With the exponential disruption of AI, Web 3 and other smart technologies redefining the tech boundaries, how can innovators and investors navigate risks and rewards and adapt to a new funding reality?
Join us on 24-25 Oct at Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2024 with leading venture capitalists, innovators, and big thinkers to explore the next horizon of inno-venture with fresh perspectives on trending topics – FinTech, Web3 and AI, and emerging tech sectors that are reshaping the VC landscape and investors’ priories, as well as sharing insights on how start-ups can harness geopolitical advantages and market opportunities in Hong Kong, the GBA regions, Middle East and ASEAN countries.
Themed “Innovation Challenger: Building New Venture Visions,” will gather leading venture capital experts, innovators, and thought leaders to explore the future of innovation and tech venture, offering all-encompassing experience with keynote, panel sessions, innovator showcases, pitches, investor matching, start-up clinic, workshops, and more.
會員可享特別優惠! 不要錯過難得的機會, 聯絡我們以獲得優惠券號碼!
日期: 2024年10月24至25日 (星期四至五)
主辦機構: 數碼港
隨著人工智能、Web 3 及其他智能技術不斷突破界限,創新者與投資者應如何有效管理風險和回報,以把握新的融資機遇?
於10月24日至25日參加「數碼港創業投資論壇 2024」,與領先的創投專家、創新者及睿智精英一起,以嶄新視角探索創新創業領域的前,並針對熱門話題提供全新視角,包括金融科技、Web3和人工智能等,還有重新塑造風險投資格局和投資者優先事項的新興技術領域,並分享初創企業如何利用地緣政治優勢和市場機會的見解,尤其是在香港、大灣區、中東地區及東盟國家。
#wyndhk #CVCF2024 #Cyberport #startup #CoworkingHK #supportingpartner