Making everyday activities easier – Climbing stairs

Whether you want to stay fit or lose weight, daily physical activity is of the utmost importance. Those who lead a sedentary life with minimum exercise are at an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases, among other health issues. Exercising regularly is necessary, but a lot of people find choosing an activity and making time for it difficult.

Most types of exercises and sports require equipment, whether it’s getting a tennis racquet or running shoes. Of course, you could join a gym, but that would require dedication, motivation and getting a good trainer. And while all these activities might not seem like your cup of tea, there’s one type of exercise that is highly beneficial and requires you to do very little – climbing stairs.

Tips from WYND Team ? :  Ways to incorporate stair climbing into your daily life. Use stairs instead of elevators or escalators if possible. Walking a few flights of stairs when you go to work or go home.

Everyday activities such as climbing stairs or simply walking to the neighbourhood store can significantly enhance our personal well-being during pandemic times, particularly in people susceptible to psychiatric disorders.

It is a well-known fact that exercise enhances physical well-being and mental health but the impact of everyday activities on a person’s mental health has hardly been studied so far. For example, it is not yet clear which brain structures are involved.

Now researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH) in Germany have studied the brain regions which play a central role in this process.

“Climbing stairs every day may help us feel awake and full of energy. This enhances our well-being,” the authors wrote in a paper published in the journal Science Advances. Climbing stairs is also one of the best exercises when it comes to pure FAT BURN, strengthening the lower body, toning the butt, thighs, calves, losing inches from those love handles and belly as well building great abs. Along with these benefits, it is the immense good it does for your lungs and Cardiovascular System.

Tips from WYND Team ? :  Dress comfortable, wear sensible shoes, and then climb those stairs to make your way to better health.

If you want to do some exercises to activate your body and creativity before or after you work, the areas beside WYND Co-working Space are very spacious and convenient for our business partners to relax or go for a walk. Let’s come and get a free-day pass if you want to have a friendly office with sizable space and a comfortable environment for your work or your study!

Please click here if you want to know more about the information about our working environment and surrounding areas.

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